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boost your melbourne small business with tailored SEO.

Gain the competitive edge in Melbourne's dynamic business landscape. I offer personalised SEO services that enhance your visibility and connect you directly with your ideal customers.

Closeup of two hands typing on a MacBook Air with Google Search Console open.

why SEO is essential for your small business success

A nice website is not enough

A beautiful website is just the beginning. Without visibility, even the most stunning site is like a billboard in the desert - impressive, but ineffective. SEO makes your site discoverable to potential customers actively searching for what you offer.

High returns

Compared to short-lived results from paid ads or social media campaigns, SEO is considered by most marketers to have the highest ROI (Search Engine Journal), continuously attracting traffic and generating leads long after your initial SEO efforts.

High conversion

SEO helps you connect with the right audience. It enables you to target customers based on their search queries, ensuring that those who land on your website are actively interested in your services and are highly likely to convert to paying customers.

local SEO tailored for your small business

Local SEO is crucial for standing out in Melbourne’s competitive marketplace. If you didn't know, "46% of all searches on Google are seeking local information" (GoGulf). Local optimisation ensures that when Melbourne customers search, they find you first.

This means tweaking your online presence from the ground up: utilising precise, location-based keywords, enhancing your Google My Business profile and building local citations that put you on the map. Collecting customer reviews and acquiring links from local organisations are also key to building your brand trust and credibility.

If you want to boost local visibility for your business, contact me to discuss your specific needs.

A woman working on her laptop and sitting behind a desk while smiling at the camera.

my approach to SEO success.


Every SEO strategy I craft is as unique as your business. I take my time to thoroughly understand your needs and goals to design an SEO plan that will maximise your growth and investment.


I keep you in the loop at every stage of the process, explaining what I'm doing and why. This open communication ensures you're never left wondering about your investment.

Real results

By tracking and optimising for conversions, traffic and engagement, I focus our efforts on the metrics that translate directly to tangible results for your business and bottom line.


I am committed to doing things the "right way" - using only white hat SEO techniques that provide you lasting results and rankings, instead of shortcuts or tricks which will hurt your SEO in the long run.

comprehensive seo services

From technical SEO to content marketing, these services inform an effective SEO strategy.

Keyword Research

Keyword research involves identifying the terms your target audience are actually searching for. This foundational work ensures that every SEO effort is precisely aligned with potential customer queries, boosting your visibility where it matters most.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves making sure your website is fast, secure and crawlable by search engines. From improving site architecture to optimizing load times, I make sure your site meets all the technical requirements to rank highly.

On-Page SEO

I optimize elements like titles, meta descriptions and content to ensure they’re not only search-engine friendly but also appealing to your visitors. This boosts your site's relevance and authority, enhancing your overall SEO performance.

Content Marketing

Content is king, and compelling content drives traffic and engagement. I create and optimize high-quality, relevant content that speaks directly to your audience’s interests and needs.

Backlink Building

Strong connections make a strong website. I focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable sources within your industry. This not only improves your site’s authority and search engine rankings, but also drives valuable referral traffic to your site.

Local SEO

I specialize in local SEO to enhance your visibility in your service areas. By optimizing your presence on local listings and maps, and tailoring your content to local audiences, your business becomes the first choice for nearby customers.

a proven SEO process

Discover my proven step-by-step process to getting you real results with SEO.

Initial consultation

Let's begin your SEO journey together! Our initial consultation is all about understanding your business inside and out. I’ll ask targeted questions and engage in in-depth discussions to grasp your goals, learn about your target audience and uncover what truly sets you apart in your industry.

This is the first step to tailor an SEO strategy that fits like a glove - customized just for you.

SEO audit and competitive analysis

Diving deep into data, this stage is where your current online presence is put under the microscope. I meticulously analyse your website’s structure, content and current SEO performance, alongside a thorough examination of your key competitors.

This step ensures we know exactly where you stand and what it takes to elevate your online presence above the rest.

Strategy development

With a solid understanding of your business and the insights gathered from the audit, I craft a bespoke SEO strategy.

This plan isn’t just about climbing search rankings; it’s designed to attract your ideal customers and achieve your specific business objectives. Whether it’s increasing conversions, enhancing user engagement or building brand authority, your tailored strategy will aim to hit all the right notes.


Turning strategy into action, the implementation phase is where things get real. I meticulously apply the agreed-upon SEO tactics - from on-page optimisations like keyword-rich content and meta tags, to off-page efforts such as building backlinks and sprucing up your Google Business profile.

Each step is executed with precision, ensuring every element works harmoniously to boost your search engine visibility.

Ongoing monitoring and reporting

SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of deal. I continuously monitor the performance of our strategies through professional tools and analytics. You’ll receive detailed reports that not only show progress, but also provide transparent insights into the metrics that matter.

Review and adjust strategy

As your business grows and evolves, so should your SEO strategy. After reviewing the outcomes from our ongoing efforts, I'll fine-tune and adjust the strategy based on the latest data, industry trends and any new business objectives.

This helps keep your SEO fresh, effective and forward-focused.

kind words from my clients

Very patient and understanding. Clear with how she operates and met my every need in creating a website. Highly recommend.
Bryan Toh
Personal Trainer
I’m glad to work with Webstrive for my website Hanna Architects, they are very professional and understanding my needs. Lynette is very knowledgeable and she communicated well with me to do my website copy writing, also Lynette always attend to solve my website issues such as hosting and migration from my old website hosting everything went very smoothly and professionally. I can’t be more happy and I’m glad to share my experience.
Heba Hanna
Director, Hanna Architects
Lynette is warm, responsible & well-versed in her work. She is thorough, on the ball & follow through the project with care. I have no difficulties following her instructions as she would guide me through every single step of the way. I highly recommend her.
Melissa Kew
Very patient and understanding. Clear with how she operates and met my every need in creating a website. Highly recommend.
Bryan Toh
Personal Trainer

Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact me if you can't find the answer to your question.

How long does it take to see results from SEO?

It typically takes 4 to 12 months to start seeing results from SEO. However, it depends on many factors including:

  • How established your website is
  • Your competition and industry
  • Your budget and resources
  • Your SEO strategy

SEO isn't like paid ads. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms and the criteria they use to rank websites, so SEO must be an ongoing process to improve or maintain results.

How much does SEO cost?

There are many factors that we consider when pricing services including:

  • Project scope
  • Number of pages
  • Functions and features required
  • Your industry or niche

Contact me to discuss your project and get a comprehensive proposal tailored to your needs.

Can you guarantee results or rankings?

Though I follow proven SEO techniques and best practices, it is impossible to guarantee rankings because I don't have control over search engine algorithms, which are updated frequently.

Which locations do you service?

As I work remotely, I am able to service any location in any country, however I am based in Melbourne, Australia.

let's talk about your website.

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